
Tuesday 24 August 2021

What fun things have you been getting up to during lockdown?

What has Levi been up to during lockdown so far?
Here are some photos and a story that Levi wrote about the past week!

"In lockdown this week we have been making lots of cool forts.We got to sleep in them too.We made a race track and we raced the cars around the loop. We helped mum cook pizzas. The pizzas were delicious.
we helped my dad pull all of the weeds. out from the driveway."


  1. Hi Levi
    my name is Imogen and I’m in room 23 at ptengland school.
    I really liked to see
    the things you
    have been doing
    during lockdown.
    Also the pizza
    you made looks
    Can you probably put
    the recipe
    Keep up the
    great work Levi.
    From Imogen🥳👍
